ATA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer driven organization.
Our mission is to promote and develop the growth of tennis in the Asheville area


Asheville Open



Adaptive Tennis

I’m New to Tennis or Asheville



Diversity, Equity and Belonging

ATA Instructors

ATA Board

ATA Blog


Recycle your balls

Aston Park Weather

Court Sharing Schedule




Stars Servin’ Up Love

The Asheville Tennis Association is committed to growing the game of tennis! Unfortunately, the devastation of hurricane Helene has damaged courts and facilities all across WNC. 100% of the proceeds received by the ATA from "Stars Servin' Up Love" will go directly toward this effort.

The ATA will partner with local community partners, NC Tennis, and USTA Southern to help identify and assist in the repair and restoration of tennis facilities impacted by Hurricane Helene.

The application process is now open, please use the button below.

Extra Event SWAG for sale!

Limited stock, pickup times will be arranged at Aston Park or contacting Annie Lundahl.

SSUL adult hoodie
SSUL adult t-shirt
SSUL kids hoodie
SSUL kids t-shirt

4th Annual WNC High School Invitational, May 16-18

The ATA is excited to announce registration will open March 31 for the 4th annual WNC High School Invitational being held May 16-18 at Aston Park Tennis Center.

The event is FREE! The goal remains to provide a balance of low-pressure competition while also being a fun social event. Here is the LINK for registration.

The tournament is limited to 40 girls and 40 boys in grades 9-12 who are currently on the roster of their high school team (private, public, and homeschooled). We encourage players to sign-up early! High School senior girls who played in the fall are also eligible!


Current facilities: Aston Park, Creekside, Grove Park Inn, and both ARC locations!

Redesigned NC Tennis Foundation License Plate has arrived!

Are you licensed to PLAY TENNIS in North Carolina?

The NC Tennis Foundation redesigned specialty & personalized license plate is NOW available. Purchase online or in-person at your local NCDMV Office!

If you do not own a NC Tennis Foundation specialty license plate, you can order online HERE.

Please note: the NC Tennis Foundation license plate image reflected from the NCDMV website is the original image, NOT the redesigned image - the NCDMV specialty plate website will be updated soon with the new design image. You will receive the new, redesigned NC Tennis Foundation specialty plate if you order online! Expect your plate to arrive in the mail within 1-2 weeks.

Aston Park Weather and Court Announcements

Aston Park staff update on and the RMC2020 smart phone app when there are rain delays, closings or other court issues. Use the icon highlighted in yellow to see the club messages! Thanks to Laura and her staff for facilitating this communication method.